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DPIL Affiliate Logo Sambro transparent background.png

SACA is a proud committed affiliate of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, a program dedicated to supporting early childhood literacy.

Enrolled children receive a free age appropriate book in the mail each month from birth until their 5th birthday.  

Dolly Parton founded Dolly Parton's Imagination Library (DPIL) in 1995 in her home county in Eastern Tennessee and it has expanded to five different countries.  Over 2 million books per month are mailed to children, at no cost to them or their families.


The parent organization, DPIL, selects high quality, age appropriate books.  They pay for the postage, arrange to have the books sent out every month, and maintain the website where caregivers can enrol children, and supporters can make donations.


Affiliates like us, the Sambro Imagination Library, raise the funds to cover the cost of the books -- about $47 per year, per child.  That's one book per month, every month, for every child enrolled, from their birth until their 5th birthday. 


Studies show that children who are read to from an early age develop stronger language skills,  a richer vocabulary, and a keen sense of curiosity.  This will ultimately strengthen our community by providing a great foundation to grow to be active, happy and productive members of society.

If you'd like to register a child, you can do so at this link

We're excited to be offering this program in our community and we hope you are too!   You can help by clicking the donate button.  You'll be provided with a tax receipt via email.

You can also support the project by purchasing a canvas tote ($25) or moisturizing peppermint lip balm (2 for $5).  They make a great gift!  You can email to get yours today!

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© 2022 by Sambro Area Community Association.  To view our Privacy Policy click here

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