Check out this year's Sambro Sou'Wester Days Schedule:
Monday, August 7 & Wednesday August 9
5:00 pm & 7:00 pm Kids' Co-Ed Community Baseball Games Age 8-13 and BBQ with hot dogs ($2),
beverages ($1) and treats @ Ball Field
Tuesday, August 8 & Thursday, August 10
6:00 pm & 7:30 pm Skip Horton Memorial Ball Tournament Co-Ed Adult Baseball Games @ Ball Field
Friday, August 11
7:00 am - Workout On the Beach Sponsored by The Fitness Room and Meghan Thorne and Lori Hennessy with Elite Realty Group. Freewill donations gratefully accepted. @Crystal Crescent Beach First Beach
6:30-8:30 pm All Ages Corn Boil and Ceilidh Sponsored by Jill Hann with Castle and Cove Real Estate Group@Community Tent. Corn on the cob ($2), hotdogs ($2) and non-alcoholic beverages ($1). Presentation of the Sambro Spirit Awards and local musical entertainment @Community Tent
6:00 pm & 7:30 pm Skip Horton Memorial Ball Tournament Co-Ed Adult Baseball Games @ Ball Field
Saturday, August 12
10:00 am–11:30 am Community Parade Sponsored by Edmonds Landscape Services. From Atlantic View Dr. in Sambro Head to the Community Tent. Expect traffic delays between 10 am-12 noon from Atlantic View along Ketch Harbour Road to Old Sambro Road and then to West Pennant Road. Prizes will be awarded @ Community Tent following at 11:30 am.
12:00–2:30 pm BBQ sponsored by Sambro Fisheries with hot dogs ($2), hamburgers ($3) and beverages ($1) @Ball Field
12:00-2:00 pm Family Carnival sponsored by Rob Thorne at Beneva, with bouncy castle, human hamster balls and games @ Ball Field
12:00 noon Washer Toss Tournament sponsored by Meghan Thorne and Lori Hennessey with the Elite Realty Group @ Ball Field $25 per 2 person team. Cash and prizes to be won. MUST BE 19 YEARS OR OLDER
4:00–8:00 pm Kyle's Tailgate Party Sponsored by the family of the Late Kyle MacKay, Live Music by Kyle's uncle Ed Oakley @Community Tent. MUST BE 19 YEARS OR OLDER. $8 admission includes chance to win door prizes. Beer & coolers $6. Pizza slices around 5 pm for $4 per slice
Sunday, August 13
9:00-11:00 am Community Breakfast sponsored by Oceanview Fisheries @ Community Tent. Scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausage with juice or tea/coffee. Adults $7/Youth 5-12 years $4/Kids under 5 free.
8 am & 10 am Kids' Co-Ed Final Baseball Games Age 8-13 @ Ball Field
10:00 am Service of the Sea Church Service @ St. James United Church
12:00 pm Blessing of the Fleet @ Sambro Government Wharf, Weather permitting. Arrive at the wharf for 11:30 am.
2:00 pm Skip Horton Memorial Ball Tournament Co-ed Adult Consolation Baseball Game @ Ball Field
3:00-3:30 pm Rubber Duck Race Sponsored by Mishoo's Kwik Way @ Grand Lake. Numbered ducks may be purchased in advance from Mishoo's store in Sambro or SACA volunteers for $5 each. Win up to $500!
3:00–5:00 pm Fish Chowder with Rolls and Dessert @St. James United Church Hall $15. Dine in or Takeout Available
4:00 pm Skip Horton Memorial Ball Tournament Co-Ed Adult Final Championship Baseball Game@ Ball Field
8:00–9:45 pm Parade of Sail off Crystal Crescent Beach. Decorate your boats with festive lights. Boats must respect the distance required to be off shore in order for the fireworks to be safely presented.
9:45 pm Closing Fireworks Display Sponsored by Fairview Dairy Queen, James Gray Fisheries and Seaside Seniors Home Care Services @ Crystal Crescent Beach Provincial Park. Freewill donations gratefully accepted outside the beach gates on Sambro Creek Road. Please note vehicles must exit the park promptly at the conclusion of the fireworks. Rain date Sunday August 20
Rubber Duck Race Tickets $5 each and 50/50 Tickets $2 each or 3 for $5 available before and during festival from Mishoo's or SACA volunteers
Event Locations:
Mishoo's Variety Store and Takeout ("Mishoo's") 1 West Pennant Road, Sambro
James McPhee Memorial Ball Field ("Ball Field"), 133 West Pennant Road, Sambro
Community Tent , 160 West Pennant Road, Sambro
St. James United Church, 3811 Old Sambro Road, Sambro
Grand Lake, Williamswood
Crystal Crescent Beach, Sambro Creek
* Cash Only. Exact Change and Small Bills Appreciated *
