Well, that's a wrap for the return of Sambro Sou'Wester Days 2023! Our individual event organizers did an amazing job this year! Below are a few notes in review. You can view the complete review with photos HERE.

BASEBALL The Skip Horton Memorial Ball Games saw Matthew Flemming's Orange team take the championship. MVPs were Joe Armsworthy from the Orange Team, Andrew Schnare from Yellow, Cody Jollymore from Blue, and Brent Gray from Green. Meghan Gray from the Green team got the All Things Sambro Award in memory of Kyle Henneberry and Ryan Garrison took home the Most Dedicated Player Award in memory of Skip Horton.
The Children's Ball Tournament was well organized and well attended, with a barbeque to help stave off the "hangries". Congratulations to the first place Orange Team, second place Green and third place Blue. All the kids and coaches did a great job.
FRIDAY'S EVENTS The weather cooperated for the Workout On The Beach Sponsored by The Fitness Room and Meghan Thorne and Lori Hennessy with Elite Realty Group. About ten people did the workout then went for a morning dip in the ocean.
The Corn Boil and Ceilidh Sponsored by Jill Hann with Castle and Cove Real Estate Group on Friday night was a lively event with live music from local talent. Paddy Gray was recognized for his long time service to the community as the Harbour Master.
Sambro Spirit Awards The Sambro Spirit Awards were presented at the Ceilidh, and this year's deserving recipients were Helen Gray, Doug and Jackie Garrison and Jim Duthie (posthumously). You can read full details of their awards HERE. Special Announcements Lieutenant Governor's Community Spirit Award SACA will be hosting a reception for the Lieutenant Governor on Wednesday, September 20th at 1pm in the St. James Church Hall in Sambro where we'll be presented with an award and $1,500. We hope you'll come out and join us. We're honoured to receive the Lieutenant Governor's Community Spirit Award celebrating the power, strength and diversity of our community. We were one of the four Nova Scotian communities chosen by a selection committee based on a number of criteria including citizen engagement, the ability to build on unique strengths within the community, civic pride and participation in community projects, and a positive outlook on the future, with a focus on creating an enduring community. In addition to our picturesque natural beauty, charm and rich cultural heritage, we're recognized for our community pride, survival through the collapse of the groundfish industry, problem-solving abilities, he many selfless acts such as taking meals to the elderly and infirmed, clearing snow, taking them for groceries and medical appointments and checking on them during the pandemic. They recognized our fabulous volunteer network, from church groups to sports groups to festival organizers to trash cleanups and everything in between, and the fact that we honour some of these wonderful folks with our Sambro Spirit Awards. They noticed our compassion towards each other and to other communities in times of terrible tragedy, our commitment to things like saving our Sambro Ketch Harbour Elementary School and the Sambro Island Lighthouse when they were on the chopping block. When the chips are down, we come out in droves. SACA is very proud to receive this award and looks forward to continuing to find solutions to challenges by working together and building partnerships to enhance and strengthen this community into an even better place to live, work and play. Dolly Parton's Imagination Library in Sambro

SACA is now a Local Program Partner with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL), dedicated to inspiring a love of reading by gifting monthly books free of charge to children from birth to age five. Through funding shared by DPIL and local community partners like SACA, over 2 million books per month are mailed to children in five different countries, at no cost to them or their families. The parent organization, The Dollywood Foundation of Canada, takes care of selecting high quality age appropriate books, they pay for the postage and arrange to have the books sent out every month, and maintain the website where caregivers can enrol children, and supporters can make donations. Affiliates like the Sambro Imagination Library raise the funds to cover the cost of the books -- about $47 per year, per child, available from birth until their 5th birthday. Studies show that children who are read to from an early age develop stronger language skills, a richer vocabulary, and a keen sense of curiosity, not to mention the invaluable bonding time. Once we raise $5,000, we'll be opening up enrollment for up to 120 children in the Sambro Elementary School catchment area, at no cost to their families. To make a difference in the life of a child, go to www.ImaginationLibrary.com/ca/affiliate/NSSAMBRO
SATURDAY'S EVENTS Saturday's Community Parade Sponsored by Edmonds Landscape Services had 22 entries. Parade Judges Susan Henneberry, Nancy Fahie and Paula Blackburn had a hard time choosing from all the great entries. Congratulations to the category winners: Best Commercial : 1st - Bruce Meade, 2nd - Paws for Laws; Most Sambro Spirit: 1st - Morgan & Ryan for their Sammy Sambro float, 2nd - Brendan Maguire; Best kids float: 1st- Josie & Benjamin Roscoe, 2nd - Wanda Macdonald; Funniest float: 1st- Sambro Rednecks, 2nd - The Barbie Girls; Best Homemade Entry: 1st- Sambro Rednecks, 2nd - Jonathan Fisher and Friends; Most Original: 1st - The Barbie Girls, 2nd - Denise Gray Gilkie. Honourable Mention goes to JP Transport and the Fusion Baton Twirlers.
Following the parade, crowds gathered at the James McPhee Memorial Ball Field for the delicious barbeque sponsored by Sambro Fisheries, the Family Carnival sponsored by Rob Thorne with Beneva (with brand new bouncy castle and human hamster balls), and a great Washer Toss Tournament sponsored by Meghan Thorne and Lori Hennessey with the Elite Realty Group.
1st place washer toss winners of $400 were Jamie Randall and Jon Turner. 2nd Place winners of $240 were John Clark and Brent Gray, who generously donated their winnings back to SACA. 3rd Place winners of $160 were Ben Clark and Kevin Boutilier. That event's 50/50 Winner of $290 was Pat Sullivan.
Kyle's Tailgate Party Sponsored by the family of the Late Kyle MacKay was packed, with live music provided by Kyle's beloved uncle Ed Oakley. Door prize winners were Don Shauer, Shelly Gates, Shane Juteau and Tabatha Zinck.
SUNDAY'S EVENTS Sunday's scrumptious Community Breakfast sponsored by Oceanview Fisheries served over 225 people and sold out in record time. St. James United Church hosted a Service of the Sea Church Service and Reverend Sean Handcock led the prayers at the Blessing of the Fleet which saw about 25 vessels in attendance. That afternoon, St. James also sold out of their delicious fish chowder supper, where about 275 meals were served in under two hours.
Congratulations to Cathy Sanderson, who won $500 in the Rubber Duck Race Sponsored by Mishoo's Kwik Way.
Nancy Keating was the lucky winner of $881 in our 50/50 draw, and Annette Flemming won $2,445 in the Rafflebox draw to raise money for the fireworks display.
Our popular Closing Fireworks Display sponsored by Fairview Dairy Queen, James Gray Fisheries, Seaside Seniors Home Care Services and Sharon and Avery Henneberry was postponed until the following Sunday due to fog, but the rescheduled event did not disappoint! Fireworks FX did an amazing job as always. In addition to our gold event sponsors mentioned above, other supporters included Amos & Andy Fisheries, Anna Slaunwhite (in memory of Eleanor Slaunwhite), Ashmeg Seafoods, Brendan Maguire MLA, Can't Turn Back Fisheries, Caravan Fisheries, Carrie Armsworthy, Charm Diamond Centres, Chebucto News, Councillor Patty Cuttell, Danny Gray, Dylan's No Frills, Ed Oakley Music, Emry & Boys Ltd, Evan Reyno, Family of the Late Keith "Doc" Gray, Horton Electrical Services, HRM Fire Station 62, HWCFA, Ion Co. Ltd. , John Hennigar Shuh, Kool T's, Lorrie Boylen, Moxies, OHS Fisheries, Pet Valu Spryfield, Reyno Fisheries Ltd., Sambro Harbour Authority, Sportwheels, Spryfield Business Commission, Spryfield Guardian, Staples, Uncle Buck's/Tanner's, W. Gilbert Construction, and our anonymous supporters. So many people came forward to donate goods, food, beverages, and prizes, and they gave generously of their time and their expertise. This is just one example of how this incredible community pulls together to help make this such an amazing place to be, and we feel very lucky to be part of it.