Every year SACA hosts a fishing derby in memory of Cory Shay and Kyle MacKay, close friends who lost their lives to cancer in their 20s This year the derby is set for Sunday, May 28 starting at 8am. Adults are $10 and children 12 and under are $5. Registration can be done in person at Mishoos or by sending an interact transfer to treasurersaca@gmail.com. If registering by etransfer, be sure to put the registrant's name and age in the notation, and use DERBY2023 for the password. Registration will also be available at Grand Lake the morning of the derby from 8-10 am. There will be 50/50 tickets, barbeque and raffle draws. Funds raised help support a J.L. Ilsley scholarship and a barrier free fishing wharf at Grand Lake. Multiple prizes will be awarded for adults and 12 and under divisions for both trout and bass Raffle prize donations are gratefully accepted, as are monetary donations, which help offset the cost of hamburgers, hot dogs, trophies and kids' treats. If you can help out with any of the above, Kim would love to hear from you at 902-475-1583. Thanks in advance for your support.